Fhwa Section 106 Programmatic Agreement

August 24, 2023

FHWA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement: Understanding the Benefits

The Federal Highway Administration`s (FHWA) Section 106 Programmatic Agreement aims to protect and preserve historic properties that may be affected by transportation projects. The agreement outlines various steps that agencies should take to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) when implementing these projects. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what the FHWA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement entails and why it matters.

What is the FHWA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement?

When the FHWA undertakes a project that could impact historic properties, they are required to complete a Section 106 review process. This review process ensures that any adverse effects on historic properties are identified and mitigated to the fullest extent possible. The FHWA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement streamlines and facilitates this process for certain types of projects.

The Programmatic Agreement is an agreement between the FHWA, State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPOs), and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP). It outlines the procedures for identifying and evaluating historic properties, assessing project impacts, and developing appropriate mitigation measures for FHWA projects.

What are the benefits of the FHWA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement?

The FHWA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement provides several benefits to all parties involved in the project:

1. Faster review process: The agreement streamlines the review process, allowing projects to move forward more quickly. This helps to minimize delays and ensure that transportation projects are implemented on time.

2. Consistency: The agreement ensures that the review process is consistent across all FHWA-funded projects. This consistency helps to promote fairness and transparency in the review process and provides clear guidelines for all parties involved.

3. Reduced costs: The Programmatic Agreement can help to reduce costs associated with the Section 106 review process. By completing the review process more quickly and efficiently, agencies can save time and money on project implementation.

4. Preservation of historic properties: The FHWA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement ensures that historic properties are identified and evaluated properly, and that appropriate measures are taken to mitigate any adverse effects. This helps to preserve our nation`s rich cultural heritage for future generations.


The FHWA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement is an essential tool for the preservation of historic properties that may be impacted by transportation projects. This agreement streamlines the review process, promotes consistency, reduces costs, and ultimately helps to preserve our nation`s cultural heritage. If you`re involved in an FHWA-funded transportation project, it`s essential to understand the details of this agreement and how it can benefit your project.